Luume Ep. 57 It's Very Touching

Ever since you were shunted here, I have not been what I was. No, you are something I need to pull out by the root. I am going to your reality and brining mine with me. I will pull my lord, my god who sleeps and dreams of the infinite, there. It awakes. ...

6 years ago

Ever since you were shunted here, I have not been what I was. No, you are something I need to pull out by the root. I am going to your reality and brining mine with me. I will pull my lord, my god who sleeps and dreams of the infinite, there. It awakes. It will sunder your reality and bring about nothing and everything. It will spill out like a wave into every plane of existence, and I will once again be what I was: Limitless.

The team comes face-to-face with something from beyond their world. As a battle rages, they fight to find answers and are lured by the promise of their own perfect worlds.

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