Luume Ep. 59 Class is in Session Pt. 2 Follow the Leader Special

You can find the wonderful people of Follow the Leader at Hello, this is Principal Slayton. It has come to my attention that there are some bad actors in the student body harassing students, teachers and our security staff. I ...

6 years ago

You can find the wonderful people of Follow the Leader at

Hello, this is Principal Slayton. It has come to my attention that there are some bad actors in the student body harassing students, teachers and our security staff. I want it to be known that this will not be stood for. Hamilton High is a safe, and calm environment and anything that disrupts that will be dealt with. Swiftly. Also, the materials of the Science Lab are to be used for SCIENCE ONLY AND BOMB MAKING IS NOT SCIENCE. Lastly, pizza will be served this Friday.

Lucent - Han -

Ruben - Kales -

The talent show is quickly approaching, but as people come together secrets will be revealed and alliances will be forged. Also someone will probably walk across the football field with their fist held up. Freeze frame.

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